2013. augusztus 27., kedd

Debrecen Summer Night Show 2013. 08. 24.

Two Sasvári dogs started on this show and they won the best titles in the breed judging!
  • Sasvári Giorgio Armani "Bill" (own.: Majoros Zsolt) won CAC and BEST OF BREED
  • Sasvári Juanita "Scrappy" won CAC & BEST OPPOSITE SEX (on her first dogshow!)
Many-many thanks to the judge: Mr. Vilmos Kardos!


BOB competition:
Bill, the veteran male, Scrappy, open female


2013. augusztus 20., kedd

News from this summer part 1. :)


We are so proud of Ch. Sasvári Easter Earl (own. Veróczki Dóra) because he won the best results in his breed... He won 2x CAC, 2x CACIB & 2x BEST OF BREED! Many thanks for Dóra, and huge congratulations!! Special thanks to the judges: Mr. György Hartmann & Mrs. Katalin Balogh!

NEW PHOTOS: SASVÁRI FLORIAN "Misha" (own. Miklós Balázs)

I upload the video from the father (Hrocco) of "N" litter. Hrocco is excellent working Giant! Congrats to his owner: Erdélyi Henriett!