2013. április 14., vasárnap

Sasvári Ariana Sophie started the show life

The sweet Sasvári Ariana Sophie (B&S Miniatur Schnauzer female) started her show life on the FeHoVa Winter dogshows, where she got Very promising & BOB Puppy and now she was on the Two all breed dogshow at Budapest (made by: MKSZ) and she got a wonderful results because she got very promising in two times and she won PUPPY BEST IN SHOW! We are so proud of her! Many thanks and huge congratulations to her owner: Nóra Baranyai!

2013. április 13., szombat

I didn't updated the blog since a long time ago, so it's about time to start!

There aren't many, but great news we have!
2012. December 21.
We have a new puppy, out of JCh. Dog Otho's Pisco & HJCh. HCh. HSCh. BISS. Sasvári Q Dance Feeling Maya.

2013. 02. 14-15 and 17th - FeHoVa Winterdogshow:
Only one dog started on this shows, his named Sasvári King (out of HSCh. Dáriusz-brill Titán & HJCh. HSCh. Sasvári Copacabana Chili), black giant Schnauzer youth male and he won HPJ & BOB Junior in three times! He became a new HUNGARIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION!! He is only 9 months old on this shows!! Congratulations and thanks a lot to his owner: Kemenczei Odett!
2013. March.

We got a wonderful news, that Sasvári Jack Flash To Draxpark (at age only 1 year old!!)  won 2nd place in the Special Junior Class @ Cruft's!!! He is the first Schnauzer, who won this really nice result on Cruft's from Hungary!!Jack & his owners wrote history in the hungarian Schnauzer world!! We are so proud of him and we send Huge Congratulations & many-many thanks to his owners, Lesley and Jim! 
We got a new photo about Sasvári Knight "Hans" Of Draxpark. He is 10 months old on this picture! Thanks a lot again Lesley & Jim & Matt!!
13th of April in 2013.
We got new photos about Sasvári Florian "Misha"! Thanks to his owner: Miklós Balázs!